Tired of being overlooked and feeling unappreciated? Do you wish you had the confidence to go after your dreams and step outside the box? Would you like to learn to say NO and set boundaries without guilt or regret? Do you wish you could stop questioning your value and learn how to command the respect you deserve at work, home, and social settings? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this seminar is exactly what you need.
You are smart, beautiful, talented, and valuable, and in this workshop, we teach you how to live in that space confidently and unapologetically. We illuminate the difference between aggression and assertion as we help you uncover your inner strength, boost your self-esteem, and give you tools to establish boundaries that preserve your self-worth. You will spend two days in a safe and supportive environment learning to step out of the shadows and live your life respectfully and on your own terms.
You matter and will learn how to maintain your personality and still command a room. You do not have to be mean, loud, aggressive, rude, or argumentative to stand up and be recognized. As you expose what matters most to you, you will discover how to ask for what you want and walk away from unhealthy situations without looking back.
The tools you gather will change the way you interact in both your personal and professional life. You can live free. Register Now.
•Dreams, Visions, and Distractions
•Measuring and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem
•Defining and Refining Self-Confidence
•Balance and Boundaries- Establishing Your Limits
•The Art of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
•Assertiveness without Anger
•Communicating with Confidence and Conviction
•Uncovering and Unleashing Your Inner Strength
•5 Steps to Being Heard and Getting Noticed
•Image, Attitude, and Expectations- Looking and Sounding the Way You Want to be Treated
•Understanding and Utilizing YOUR Edge
•Gaining and Maintaining Attention
•Stepping From Behind the Shadows
•Coping with Perceptions, Assumptions, and Forced Expectations
• The Power of Gratitude and Attitude
• Finding and Fueling the Inner You
•Building Confidence-Strategies to Recognize Your True Value
•Owning Your Awesome
•From Fear to Fabulous: Preparing Yourself and Others for the New You
•Shy but NOT Forgotten: The Introvert’s Guide to Displaying Confidence and Establishing Boundaries
•10 Ways to Say NO! to ANYONE and Mean It…
•Healthy Ways to Transition Into the Confident You
•Beyond the Spotlight: How to Maintain Your Confidence when Facing Doubt
Are you interested in transforming your personal and professional life into something greater? Leave us a message below and we'll get back to you soon.