The fear of speaking in front of a crowd can be debilitating, whether it is butterflies in the stomach or sudden moisture in the hands. When you are faced with delivering critical or corrective conversations, it often becomes even more challenging to get through.
This institute is designed especially for those who want to present information to large or small groups and individuals confidently. You will learn to target your conversations, deal with complex listeners, redirect and lead when discussions or presentations take a turn, address critical concerns quickly and objectively, and utilize a simple formula to almost always allow you to end on a positive note with kids, spouses, friends, enemies, coworkers, employees, supervisors, and others.
Through fun activities and self-empowerment exercises, you learn how to gain and maintain your audience's attention and address areas of concern while maintaining your integrity and the dignity of others. Everyone will leave with new electronic presentation tools. These key phrases both enhance and derail conversations, are audience grabbers, presentation techniques, and keys to impromptu speeches that will have you prepared to address any audience, without practicing, in almost any situation.
At the end of the two-day session, you will feel more confident and have strategies to deal with complex topics and tough participants, five easy conversation starters, and much more. You don't have to be afraid any longer. You can do it. Let us show you how.
•Conquering the fear of speaking
•Commanding the audience
•10 Steps to Calm and Collected
•5 Tips to a win-win situation
•Getting Buy-In from the Naysayers
•Dealing with the difficult
•Holding critical conversations
•The art of silence
•Speaking without words-What is Your Body Saying?
•Words to Avoid at ALL Times
•Choosing your style
•Understanding and catering to your audience
•Maintaining dignity in tough conversations
•Operation Integrity
•How to say it all without saying anything
Are you interested in transforming your personal and professional life into something greater? Leave us a message below and we'll get back to you soon.