About Sudden Impact Solutions

Powerful Coaching & Consulting in Jacksonville

Lots of goals you want to achieve but have no idea how? Our complete coaching services can help you find healthier solutions for your daily lifestyle while creating a way to improve your financial stability. Sudden Impact Solutions offers top-tier coaching solutions for personal and professional growth and ...

Meet Our Leader

Dr. Barnes presented Ending the Cycle of Sister to Sister Destruction to a sold-out crowd at the PWN International Conference & celebrated the release of her much-anticipated book "Sister, Why You Hate Me", and her collaborative works "Teenage Girls. A Guide to Health, Wellness, & Self Esteem" and "Beyond Theory: ...

Our Coaching Adapts to Your Needs

Our results are successful because our process is simple, easy to understand and follow. We believe the hardest part of reaching your potential is the willingness to learn. If we can get you to believe in your own abilities to learn, you’re more than ready to get started on achieving great results. We have made ...