Scott Taylor is a former principal and a motivational speaker. Under Scott’s direction schools have made exceptional gains on state achievement tests.
As Principal his school was listed on three Missouri Top 10 lists and Crestwood’s total math score was the top score in St. Louis County. Crestwood also scored in the Top 10 in Missouri in both Communication Arts and Mathematics. Crestwood’s subgroup scores have been the highest in St. Louis County.
Crestwood’s black, free/reduced, ELL and IEP subgroups are performing at a very high level. Scott has presented in 17 states for thousands of educators. Scott has presented workshops at the local, state and national level including at the NAESP convention, with the H.O.P.E. Foundation. His educational articles have been published locally and nationally as well. Scott is a past recipient of the “St. Louis Distinguished Principal of the Year Award” for the Fort Zumwalt School District.
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